Empowering U.P. Sugarcane Farmers Through Krishify’s Integrated Advisory Programme

  1. Pest and Disease Management: Sugarcane cultivation in the U.P. is marred by pests like crop borers and diseases such as Red Rot and Black Smut, causing annual yield losses ranging from 10% to 20%. Effective pest management strategies are crucial to mitigate these threats.
  2. Access to Agricultural Inputs: Inconsistent access to essential inputs and inefficiencies in their utilisation pose operational hurdles. Krishify’s agronomists advised farmers on the precise usage of recommended partner brands’ products, enhancing crop effectiveness while minimising costs.
  3. Water and Irrigation: Adequate water supply throughout the sugarcane growth cycle is critical. While traditional methods like canal irrigation and tube wells are predominant, the adoption of drip irrigation is gaining traction, particularly in regions like Meerut, Muzaffarnagar, and Bulandshahr.

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